Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bridgestone tires tucson

Villeneuve was placed 16th for failing to maintain the pace under a yellow flag.
It was the first time a NASCAR race has ever been run in rain and while there were fewer crack-ups than anticipated, it ultimately became undrivable and several drivers asked race officials to stop it. The faster cars went, the more spray went up into the windshields of cars following.
The only previous times the grooved rain tires went on were at a practice for a Craftsman Truck event in 1997 at Watkins Glen, and in qualifying at an exhibition race in Japan in 1999.
I thought we'd have a lot more guys spin and go off the track but the guys were good,'' said Carpentier. I was mad that they stopped it, but they had to.''
Fellows has seen it all in motor racing, having won in his class at the Le Mans 24 Hour race and in other road racing series where racing in rain is common
Source link: http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5h73FS60G3yqOMgqIy8pFMZ1s_eYA

Over the past few days, McCain's campaign has needled Obama for saying that keeping tires inflated would save enough oil to obviate the need for expanded offshore drilling. Republicans tried to link Obama's comments with Jimmy Carter's exhortations to save on heating bills by wearing sweaters.
'We could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You could actually save just as much,' Obama told a rally Thursday in Springfield, Mo.
The Republican National Committee offered Monday to send reporters tire gauges as a stunt to mark Obama's birthday, and McCain's campaign sold an 'Obama Energy Plan' tire gauge for a $25 donation.
'We need to offshore drill for oil and natural gas
Source link: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080805/BUSINESS01/808050360/1210/BUSINESS


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